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“They Came with the Sole Purpose of Killing us – Man shares How he had a Bloody Battle with Thieves

Bloody scene after the fight

“The thieves wanted nothing out, not the car , bikes they only wanted to come in with the sole purpose of killing.”

A man has shared his encounter with thieves at 1:20 a.m in his apartment.

According to him, the thieves broke into his house, but didn’t want to take anything, they came with the sole purpose of killing him and the members of the house.

They fought the thieves with pangas for almost an hour and half, and even called out for help from the neighbors, the defense and the LC chairman.

“This morning@ at 1:20am, we fought off thieves with pangas with the sole thought of killing us and raiding anything in the house,” he tweeted.

“We fought for almost an hour and a half, shouting for the neighbors to hear and even calling the LC chairman plus the defense.

From the video he shared, the battle seems to have been a fierce one. There are blood stains, shattered glasses all over the floor.

It was later their relatives who live 20 minutes away from them, that came to their rescue.

While the relatives were on their way coming, they met some army officers on patrol who agreed to join them.

But the thieves, on realising help was close by, took off by the fence.

“Luckily, we have relatives nearby, like 20 minutes away, who came to our rescue while we were on a stand-off with the thieves for like an hour or so,” he wrote.

“The thieves wanted nothing out, not the car , bikes they only wanted to come in with the sole purpose of killing.”

“Luckily, while coming to our rescue, the relatives found army guys doing patrol and rushed with them to our rescue. Unfortunately, the thieves on knowing that help was coming jumped out the fence,” the man narrated.

He also mentioned that before the struggles, he had an hour before already informed the defence who live few houses from them, but they did not respond.


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